Monday, April 27

We're baaack...

We're back from our blogcation and have lots to share. Our biggest news is that we are MOVING AGAIN! Holy smokes. We sure didn't see this one coming when we moved here last summer, but c'est la vie, right? Charlie's company closed their office here in Atlanta, and after much deliberation, he has decided to accept an offer to stay with the company... but in another city! Agggh! 

So, we are going to pack it up and move again. Charlie is excited about his new position and we're excited to be closer to "home".  I am not particularly looking forward to packing/unpacking  and house hunting again, but I suppose that's just a hurdle that will be behind us by the time fall rolls around. The upside - Charlie's company will buy our house here if we don't sell it in 90 days, so that's a huge load off our minds considering the state of the housing market. 

So it's goodbye Georgia peaches, hello WINDY CITY! 

I don't have any pictures to go with this topic (unless you want to see a picture of me searching for houses online), so here are some shots of all the flowers and plants we've planted to celebrate spring. We'll be here a for a couple more months, might as well enjoy the view, right?


Kim said...

Oh how I wish that bigger city were Dallas, wouldn't we have fun play dates with the kiddos.

Your plants and flowers are lovely!

And yes mam you do owe me a picture of Lulu in her clippie :-).
Saturday I bought everything I needed to make them myself. If they turn out good I'll make Avery one is you think she will like one.

Have a great week!


Rebecca Lily said...

Wow, Chicago! You'll love it!! :)

Lauren said...

Wow! I knew something was up. I'm glad you'll be closer. =) I am feeling for you, though. The dreaded pack up does not sound fun. Buy a big enough house to house the McElhaney's...we're coming to the Windy City! Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good luck on the house hunt. What areas are you looking at?

At least you'll live closer to the St. Louis Zoo hippos! I hear they miss Avery.

Gayle Arrol said...


I missed this blog entry somehow! While I'm sorry you'll have to pick up and move again I'm happy because we do a whole lot more groups in Chicago than Atlanta.
