Thursday, February 26

Guess Who Won The Giveaway?

Yippie! Louisa won the cute clippy! A BIG thanks to Kim at Celebrating Everyday Life for having such a fun contest. Be sure to check out her blog for pics of the drawing. Too funny!
We'll be sure to post a pic of Louisa sporting her new barette asap!

Monday, February 23

Saturday, February 21

Dear Mr. President

Here is a letter Avery wrote to President Obama as part of a class assignment. These are some hard-hitting questions! 

In case you can't make out this scan, here's the letter in Avery's own words:

Dear Mr. President,
Great job for geting elected! Is it noisy in Washington D.C.? are you going to help G.A. with the drought? can you prtect our country?
good luck.

Friday, February 20

A Giveaway!

This is Vivi Jo. Isn't she adorable?

And how about her cute little hair clippy? Her mom, Kim at Celebrating Everyday Life, is giving away  two of these sweet clips. To enter, just click on the link above to visit her blog and leave a comment. Leave a message on your own blog and you'll be entered twice. Win or not, you'll love seeing the pictures of this beautiful family. Kim has such great style!

And I have turned the COMMENTS back on, so feel free to drop us a note sometime. You don't need to have a blog and you won't have to divulge your SSN or bank account numbers to do so. If you read the blog via email, you'll have to visit the blog to leave a note (just click on the link in the email to get there). I know you're out there, people. I can hear you breathing... : )

Thursday, February 19

Sleeping in (minus the sleeping part)

Why do children view their parents' bed as a playground and their own beds as a torture device?

Tuesday, February 17

The Eyes Have It

Avery likes to do "extreme close up" when I've got the camera in hand. You can tell by her eyes in the first photo that she was laughing. And how about those freckles?

Monday, February 16

Back To Bed

For those of you who know Louisa well, this will come as no surprise. Being the curious girl that she is, we often find her completely naked in her crib after naps. And yes, that means no diaper either and sometimes, things are a little, um ... messy. I don't think I need to go into details here. Our solution? Zippered one-piece jammies (no feet) worn backwards at every nap. Try as she might, Ludini can't get out of these babies. Ha! That's one point for Mommy!

Friday, February 13

No jacket required

The weather has been so wonderful lately, the girls were happy to play outside on the deck while I cooked dinner. I'm sure there are cooler days ahead, but for now we won't question it -- just simply enjoy it.

Lots more photos to come this week -- stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 3

Two for Tuesday

Here's Louisa just being Louisa. Happy, silly girl.
She is really quite the comedian and loves to tease us. Example:
 "Louisa, would you like to go read some stories?"
Her response, "Naaaaaahhhhh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
She may have a future in stand-up.

Here is the flip-side of Louisa. She is very serious when it comes to babies.
She LOVES babies! She is just fascinated by them.
She will walk up to strangers with a baby and just stare.
And heaven help that parent if their baby is crying.
Louisa will want to shush and pat the baby to help them out. It's very sweet. 

Monday, February 2

Let Them Eat Cake

Avery loves to help out in the kitchen and, with a little supervision, she lovingly made this:

And to Louisa's delight, she got to have a piece for dessert. Now, we always encourage table manners with the girls, but that all flew out the door when chocolate cake was served. Louisa was just like the little boy in that Christmas movie. Remember Ralphie's little brother eating the mashed potatoes? That was our Louisa. After taking a few lady-like bites with her fork, she picked up the bowl and dug in, laughing the whole time. Mummy's little piggy!!

How about another piece, Mom? (answer: "No way.")