Wednesday, September 3

Art Festival

This past weekend we attended the local art festival. I have to admit, we were a little disappointed. When it comes to art festivals, we've been spoiled by having this within walking distance of our old house. Oh well. We did get some pretty descent shaved ice and the girls got to play on four, count 'em, FOUR different bouncers. Weeee! Break out the Purel.
Avery and some guy dressed as a fox.
We have no idea if he was actually affiliated with the event.

Avery Lily with lily.
What's a festival without a little face paint? 

A very RARE moment caught on film...Louisa actually standing still!

Louisa & hat. Charlie & gum.

Louisa cracking herself up after throwing both hats to the ground. 

Girls jumping in the SpongeBob House of Germs.
Both girls had runny noses this week. Coincidence? I think not!

1 comment:

Shana said...


Thanks so much for the sweet comment!

I just had to let you know that Louisa is one of my favorite names- and so is Lulu! Also- I love the name Julia (but Michael's ex-wife is Julie). ;)

Your girls are gorgeous! I'm so glad you started a blog- you won't regret it, and they will appreciate it so much as they grow!

Hugs, Shana :)