Saturday, September 27

Fair is Fair

We decided to try the whole arts and crafts fair thing again this weekend. Grandma Sandy is here for a visit, so the five of us packed up and headed out this morning to check it out. was basically the same-old-same thing as the last one, just in a different town.  Lesson learned. We DID see an Elvis impersonator this time. And, as promised, Avery got Fair Hair, which made it well worth the trip.

Avery met the Tooth Fairy, who I believe was in cahoots with the Kettle Korn guy.

Against my better judgement, I let the girls play on the inflatables again. Those things are so dirty, but what can you do? They love 'em.

Avery did the Spider Jump and really got some air!

And here it is...Fair Hair! For $10, they put about $.30 worth of pipe cleaners, plastic flowers, tinsel and hair spray paint into your kid's hair. Pure genius.

More pics of Fair Hair. There's actually a monkey on a palm tree in there somewhere.

And speaking of monkeys, check out the window to the left. Monkey see... 

Monkey do! 

Wednesday, September 24

The First Day of School Part II

There have been some requests for more China photos, so I'm trying to pull those together. Anyone know how to do a mosaic on Help!

In the meantime, Louisa has had her first day of school. She's going twice a week and is having a blast!

Watch out, preschool...

Here she comes!

A budding artist, no doubt!

Wednesday, September 17

Happy Family Day!

Click to play Our Journey to Louisa
This slideshow takes a little warming up. You may have to replay it to see all of the photos in place. 

Today we celebrate what we will now call Family Day -- the day when we first Louisa met face to face and became a family of four. I pulled some pictures from that amazing day and you can see how tiny and frail she was (see slide show above). She had been ill in the weeks prior, but that day, more than anything, we think she was simply in shock. She most likely had never left the welfare institute and it was just too much for her to process. The director had given her a piece of wrapped candy that morning, which Louisa clenched tightly in her fist for hours. We still have that piece of candy, as well as the clothes she wore that day, all tucked safely away. One day, we'll get it out and tell her how very brave she was that day in China. She never cried, which was in direct contrast to the other 10 children who were there to meet their new families.  After several nerve-wracking hours, we prayed to see some emotion from her. We needed to know that she was okay. But it wasn't until later that afternoon that we saw a single tear roll down her cheek. Hallelujah! With joyful tears of our own, we held her and consoled her and told her over and over again, "Bu ku. Bu ku. Mama bao bao." which means "Don't cry. Mama is holding you now." I still use those words when Louisa is crying. It seems to soothe her like nothing else.

We absolutely  can't imagine our life without Louisa. She is such a funny and happy little girl. She has a sense of humor, which is hysterical to see in someone so young. She has Spunk (yes, with a capital "S") and we have no doubt that she will always stand up for herself and speak her mind. And she is mischievous  in a way that Avery never was, so she definitely keeps us on our toes. Here's a list of Louisa's current favorites:

- Climbing up to Avery's top bunk 
- climbing on anything
- toilets (but not necessarily using them)
- pasta, potatoes, bananas, edamame, applesauce, crackers of any kind
- shoes
- "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
- bubble wrap
- somersaults 
- shadow puppets
- running hugs/tackles
- remotes, cordless phones
- Curious George (so appropriate)
- washing dishes and cooking with Mommy
- wagon rides with Daddy
- anything that has to do with her big sister, Avery

We love you so much Louisa. You have made our family complete.
Mama, Daddy and Avery

Tuesday, September 16

Remembering China - (and forgetting something too)

Somehow I managed to mess up this count down. I believe it has to do with the international date line, the black hole and failing short-term memory. Even though these days have been in the correct order, tomorrow (the 17th) is actually the anniversary of the day me met Louisa face-to-face.
But just for fun, here are some photos from last year's excitement.

Louisa's referral photo. She looks so little!

Here's Louisa with her nanny. I came across this picture in another family's online album. I knew it was her by her pointy ears!

This was taken when we were on our way to our agency to get our referral. All we knew at this point was that our referral was for a girl. I thought Avery was going to pop.

So where do you go when you FINALLY become a big sister? Disney World! Ok, that wasn't going to happen, so we stopped at 7-Eleven after we left our agency.  Slurpees!

Avery got to mix her own and I believe this was cola and bubble gum flavors. Mmmmmm

Monday, September 15

Remembering China - Day 4

This was the day we left Beijing and flew to Hefei. We had a dinner with the other families that night, where Avery and another big-sister-to-be ate an entire plate of roasted goose. They were most definitely adventurous eaters!

On our way to Hefei

Our agency group dinner the night before "Gotcha Day". The servers just kept bringing out dish after dish after dish

Our room at the Holiday Inn Hefei and our home for 6 days

Saturday, September 13

Remembering China - Day 3

On this day, we visited Tienanmen Square, the Forbidden City and The Great Wall of China. It was a very long day, but so much fun. 

The Forbidden City went on FOREVER. There are 9,999 rooms in all. Crazy!

In the Royal Garden

At the North Gate (or was it East??)

It wasn't the clearest day, but you can see the wall climbing up behind us

Can you see the Wall creeping along the mountain in the distance?

Friday, September 12

Remembering China

Here's what we were doing on our second day  in China one year ago. We have so many pictures, it's been really fun going back and remembering our journey. How could we ever forget?  I think I'll keep posting some day-to-day pictures until we get to the BIG day...Louisa Day!

Question: how many days in a row can you eat bacon for breakfast before you get sick of it?  Answer: 8

A rainy day at the Temple of Heaven

Beijing Preschoolers

In the Beijing Hutong. This lady prepared our lunch and took a liking to Avery. She gave Avery a toy giraffe and Avery gave her some gum in return (yes, it was Orbit).

We saw this beer everywhere in China, but you can't get it in the U.S.

Just a typical day in the Hutong

Olympic preparations

This adorable little girl was sightseeing with her parents

The poster girl for jetlag

Thursday, September 11

One year ago today...

We were on our way.

Sunday, September 7

Fridays with Avery

We love Fridays in our house. It's so relaxing knowing that we've got the whole weekend ahead of us. While waiting for Charlie to come home, I found Avery quietly playing in her room with her American Girl dolls. She loves to make up and act out different scenarios with her dolls. She absolutely CAN'T WAIT until her cousins (and their AG dolls) will be here to visit. They will play for hours with their dolls. No batteries or electricity needed, just imagination. Love that!

Avery helps "Lily" perform a dance from the Nutcracker

Hmmm...what's next in the story line?

Apparently, this is the band and Avery got them back together.

Louisa is learning not to mess with Avery's dolls, although it's been a slow process. But she was content to hang out on the bottom bunk with her naked Bitty Baby and Tubby the Hippo.

There was dancing...


jumps from Titan camp...

and, of course, mischief
(that's sister's lip gloss in Louisa's tiny hand)

Come back and visit any time (just knock first)!

Wednesday, September 3

Art Festival

This past weekend we attended the local art festival. I have to admit, we were a little disappointed. When it comes to art festivals, we've been spoiled by having this within walking distance of our old house. Oh well. We did get some pretty descent shaved ice and the girls got to play on four, count 'em, FOUR different bouncers. Weeee! Break out the Purel.
Avery and some guy dressed as a fox.
We have no idea if he was actually affiliated with the event.

Avery Lily with lily.
What's a festival without a little face paint? 

A very RARE moment caught on film...Louisa actually standing still!

Louisa & hat. Charlie & gum.

Louisa cracking herself up after throwing both hats to the ground. 

Girls jumping in the SpongeBob House of Germs.
Both girls had runny noses this week. Coincidence? I think not!