Saturday, August 22

City Garden

Before heading north, we pit-stopped in St Louis. Even though we weren't in the new house yet, we still had MUCH to do. I'm so glad we took a break and met friends Michelle and Gian for a bit of fun at the downtown City Garden. It is amazing. The kids had a blast and the artwork is fantastic. Check it out if you can.
Trying not to think about the germs...

Eight-year-old humor

Wednesday, August 19

Sweet Lulu

I caught Louisa having a quiet moment in her Grandma Evie's room.
I guess even three-year-olds need a little downtime now and then.

Friday, August 7

Farewell Friends

Thank you so much to the Davis Family for hosting a farewell swim party for Avery. We will miss you all so very much!

Wednesday, August 5

deja vu

I hope this doesn't become a habit.

Tuesday, August 4

Saturday, August 1

If you can decipher this...

your kid is a swimmer.
I still don't have a clue.

Congrats, Avery, on a terrific season and knocking 10+ seconds off all your events! We're so proud of you!