Tuesday, December 23

Red Velvet Piece-o-Cake!

We didn't know how the visit with Santa would go over with Louisa. She surprised us all. I guess Christmas really is a time for miracles!

Monday, December 22

Just one picture, please!

There was a Christmas tree, a camera nearby and a two-year old in a great mood. How hard could it be to snap a picture? Silly Mommy!

I finally wised up and used the old reverse psychology trick on her. 
"Louisa, I definitely DON'T want you standing in front of the tree!"

Saturday, December 20

The Life Aquatic

We decided to take a break from holiday madness and do something simply for the fun of it. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, December 14

There Are Elves Among Us

Eight Little Known Truths About Elves

1. They move quickly... 


and always in different directions.

2. They are seriously ticklish.

3. They'll kiss you when you least expect it.

4. They have a fear of hairbrushes.

5. They do the most surprising things when they're not being watched.

6. Their laughter is contagious
(and wonderfully addictive).

7. They are partially made of ham and cheese.

8. They love, love, love to love.
And they LOVE Christmas!

Thursday, December 11

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

(Thanks to Dr and Mrs Nicol)

our newest ornament (bought in Hefei 2007)

Our oldest ornament --  39 years old!

Who says hippos can't be Christmas-y?

Dad and Daughter Christmas Shopping Trip

Family Tradition: A Christmas Tree and Steak-n-Shake milkshakes
 (Avery snuck in the front seat for the photo only)