Monday, November 10

Can We Talk?

When it comes to talking, Louisa can be a chat-ty! However, so many of her words are in Louisa-speak and can be difficult to interpret. She's working hard at it though, and has taken us by surprise lately with words like elbow and SpongeBob.  Here's a recent conversation:

(you may want to scroll down and pause the music before playing the video)

Can you tell by her little spout-out of "Mamas" at the end that she's getting tired of these "Say _____" sessions?

Sunday, November 9

jump ropes, hula hoops & sidewalk chalk

The weather has been so beautiful lately, the girls have been outside every chance they get. I really hope it lasts for a while! 

Let me fix your drawing, Sissy.
(those are Louisa's Halloween cat ears on her head)

Here' s Avery teaching her sister how to ride a bike. They had no idea Charlie and I were watching. I just love "catching" them in moments like this. 

"Keep your feet on the pedals."

Avery talked Charlie into being one of her twirlers. The mailbox didn't put up a fight.

Halloween 2

Here are some pics from the big night. We went to a neighbor's house for dinner first and then everyone started trick-or-treating when the sun went down. Louisa got the hang of it pretty quickly and both girls had a blast. We quickly found out that trick-or-treaters don't tell Halloween jokes here. We'll have to work on that!

Drop in dinner guests

spooky salad, anyone?

Our own haunted cemetery

Remote controlled "Ratchard" 

The sugar warriors return

The LOOT! They even got bags of Doritos, which were a HUGE hit.

Witchy-Witch and her black can't wait to do it all over again. Avery wants to have room-to-room Thanksgiving Trick-or-Treating at our house when her cousins are here to visit. Why not? 

Saturday, November 1

Mouse in the House

Avery's class had a day to celebrate reading and their favorite books. They had to dress as a character from a book and then share the story with their classmates. It wasn't a big surprise that Avery  chose Angelina Ballerina, since she loves ballet and animals.